
时间:2010年01月12日 18:07:13来源:服装工程网作者:

    Sending shipping documents


In compliance with the terms of the contract, we forwarded you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods were loaded.


As requested, we are sending you, under separate cover two copies of our invoice No.1234, two copies of insurance policy No.4567 and a copy of nonnegotiable bill of lading No.789 covering the consignment of 200 bales of grey cloth for your order No.456 under our contract No.25789.


We have the pleasure in sending you herewith two copies of our Invoice No.1254 covering 120,000 yards of Art.No.2003 under S/C No. 456.


Enclosed please find the following shipping documents for the goods under our S/C No.21845 shipped on 3rd April per S.S. "DAQING" against our invoice No.1333.




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